Supporting Sisters is an organisation in the Northwest which was formed in 2019.

It is a bilingual team of volunteers and professionals and community connectors who are specialists in working with the BAME communities. we have a well-established reach into the south Asian community, deep cultural understanding, and a wide variety of skills in languages other than English.

Supporting Sisters is a safe and supportive environment run by women, we aim to support women and people in communities to become more independent, building their self-esteem and confidence, building a better life for themselves and reach their goals.

Supporting Sisters provides a platform for women to become socially active, building on community cohesion, education, training and delivering workshops and activities to support health and wellbeing within the community. Offering Advice, support, and information with universal tax credits. Housing benefits, council tax, befriending service, Community development, Domestic abuse and mental health training, supporting Employment/work, Mental health and isolation support, Translating and/or interpreting, Life skills, Health and Wellbeing activities and social inclusion drop-in sessions.

We work with anyone age 18+ can access the service, Women, men, refugees and asylum seekers, people with health conditions (including learning difficulties and mental health,) People aged 50and over, Carers, Families and/or parents, Lone parents, (people with), Low income, Men, Migrant communities, Black and Minority Ethnic communities. Survivors of abuse, Unemployed people, Voluntary and community groups and Volunteers.


Our mission is to provide support to women to achieve their full potential, to encourage, empower, enable and support their active involvement in learning, employment, life skills and community life. Inspiring and paving a better future for women.

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