Purpose of the project

July 2023

On 1st of July, 2023 an event was held in Baden-Powell Hall, Bury to celebrate the five year anniversary of the opening of Supporting Sisters with a group of 67 women attending the event. This event was held with the intention of recognising the tremendous work and efforts made by the charity founders and volunteers over the duration of these past five years. It was also held to acknowledge and celebrate women empowerment and the great achievements which have been made by women in our society, either personally or professionally.

To plan this event, a small team of volunteers gathered at the Supporting Sisters office to discuss venue, catering, speeches and itinerary for the evening. Guests varied of different ethnic backgrounds, with the event being an amalgamation of Turkish, British and Pakistani guests; this highlighted the involvement of a wide range of differing individuals in the charity. This also provided a great reflection of our current society and the beauty of individuals of differing cultures, religions and ethnic backgrounds mingling and socialising. Guests were warmly welcomed into the event, partaking in raffles, speeches and a buffet meal, finally ending the evening with all guests participating in a cake cutting ceremony to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the charity organisation.

Overall, the event went smoothly and successfully, not only was it an amazing event celebrating a great milestone of the charity, but the speeches by many individuals attending were also beneficial in reminiscing the beginning and start-up of the charity and the magnitude of influence and aid we have been able to provide over the course of these few years. Acknowledgement of these events proved to be a great motivating factor as many volunteers and attendees expressed their desire to continue to provide more support and involvement to the charity.

We hope to continue to help provide aid and support to people for the benefit of our community for many years to come and we hope through projects, classes and events such as these, we are able to further inspire other members to volunteer and become involved in helping the progression of our community and improving people’s lives.