Purpose of the project

January 2021 – December 2021

In the previous 18 months despite the challenges of covid-19 we had been working tirelessly to bring people together to address/ raise awareness on mental health, domestic violence and loneliness/isolation as well as improve relationships between those who live in this area.

We had over 100 local women and girls who accessed our services and have expressed interest to take part in. women only fitness activities. Many of our women came from traditional cultural backgrounds ranging from Pakistani, Bengali, Caribbean/African, Middle Eastern, Eastern European.

During the pandemic we delivered fortnightly walking sessions for women and girls in our neighbourhood in response to improving physical health and wellbeing during these challenging times.

Considering the pandemic, we delivered our sessions in a covid compliant venue ensuring following local guidelines, with some sessions delivered via Zoom.

We delivered this project weekly, 90 minutes per session from January till September 2021 (34 sessions). These sessions were delivered in person in a covid-19 compliant community-based centre at the heart of our neighbourhood of Bury East.

Alongside the Zumba sessions, we were delivering fortnightly yoga sessions, this was to ensure positive health and wellbeing during the pandemic and allow time/ space for positive conversations. We created a system where we were able to provide each consistent member with fitness equipment i.e. a yoga mat if they were having to participate in the sessions from home due to isolating. All fitness equipment bought through this project allowed us to sustain the project beyond the funding.

Funded by: This Girl Can
Total Participants: zoom 23/ Face to face 64