Purpose of the project

February 2022 -September 2022

We began our walking and talking project in January, our walks would take place February 2nd week as this was something they would look forward to.


There were several reasons for us starting this group as some people mentioned they would like to go out for a walk but found it was difficult as they had no one to go with or transport. This meant they were reluctant to venture too far away.

Some people also mentioned they felt less confident and motivated to go for a walk during the lockdown and that their health was deteriorating.

The women we worked with told us they have been walking less during lockdown, and many people are feeling isolated, less active. The pandemic also worsened existing problems, particularly for people who were already less active. Furthermore, we felt the women had many challenges with their mental health.

This was an opportunity to be physically active and to remain independent and socially connected, and an opportunity notice nature and our local community.

People told us that having someone to walk with motivated them to get out and about and stay active. They also said that knowing there was no expectation as to how far they walked really helped and took the pressure off them to keep up with group, everyone would walk at their own pace.

The walks were an opportunity to talk about different issues together, and sometimes identify areas for additional support. We had referrals from SafeNet.

We hope that these walks will be a start for all participating to improve and maintain their activity levels and take part in other initiatives.

Through a survey we were able to monitor how one was feeling a great indication to supporting further where needed.


Well, I can’t thank you enough as I do go for walks on my own and I enjoy my own personal space, but it’s been nice having met these women from all different walks of life as it’s given me the ability to understand no one is alone. We are all experiencing are own highs and lows but it’s good to talk and share our experiences, this has helped me mentally build on myself trust and confidence that anything is possible. 

Being able to walk and join this group has given me the physical strength and mental capacity to do more for me without holding myself back thank you 

Anonymous (41)

I would like to express that since I joined the Hiking Group over the last 2 yrs. I have become more active and given me the drive to do more activities such as more walks in the week Hot Yoga and Boxercise.  The Hiking group made me realise that I never had me time and give me the confidence to do more for myself and there is a Life beyond looking after my kids and Husband.  It really made me realise how much I didn’t give myself time and just running after everyone else around me.  I feel I have become confident as a person that it’s never too late to give yourself time we don’t realise as mothers how important it is to take time out and enjoy doing what you want to do.  I have made amazing friends I go out with have more of a Social Life which was nil!  It’s nice to let your hair down and be Yourself for an evening. I am so Grateful to Supporting Sisters for making this Possible. Another 20+ Years I would have been doing the same Mother role Wife role.  But I would say that joining the Hiking Group has showed me that: – 

1 Health is Wealth 

2 Happy Hormones

3 Good Social Well-being 

4 Feel much Healthier 

5 As Muslim Women a chance to Live a little for me. 

Naseem (45)

Honestly speaking since covid came in I gave up on any form of exercise, I became lazy and eating all the time, watching Netflix. I think it didn’t help because we were couped up all the time in the house.

Post covid I realised I was so unfit just walking up the stairs! I’m too embarrassed to go to the gym as I feel paranoid about my weight. When you sent the poster for the walks, I said to myself this is something I would love to do this away from here and in the greenery. I struggled at first but got there and still need to take breaks during the walk, you and the girls keep me going! I feel much better within myself and my mental health. After the few years I’ve been through you better than anyone else knows how hard it has been and how my self esteem was at its lowest. Feel all emotional writing this because I feel I’ve achieved something and my children see the change in me, sorry I’m waffling on. But thank you for all you do for me and many other women who much need a boost and need encouraging to get fit and feel good.

Saima (42)

Funded by:

Bury Council
