Purpose of the project

October 2019 to April 2020

The main aim was to provide a drop-in service every week, to: build on resilience; provide women with the support to overcome daily struggles; enable women to become independent and building on community cohesion and friendships with women of different faiths that are in similar situations. There are many cultures within the community that are heavily influenced by stigmas and taboos or even superstition. We provided sessions on understanding of mental health within different faiths to combat these and offer education and support.

Within the community there is a rising refugee/ asylum seekers population, which needed support. Currently, there are vulnerable groups within the Pakistani heritage, south Asians, Europeans that come from a variety of faiths, Islamic, Christian, Jewish and Hindu. They have all been brought together through community activities like small festival celebrations like Winter Fairs, Harvest gatherings and Eid celebrations, Diwali, and Puram; yet also one inspirational woman event. In these settings they have developed and built long term friendships.

Weekly, two-hour drop-in sessions were implemented, and celebration events were organised for religious and festival periods. All of which took place between October and March at the office-based premises, coffee shops and other locations outside of Bury.

We advertised through social media such as Twitter, Facebook and through other organisations like ADAB, the Jinnah Centre, the Polish Centre, the council, local schools, and churches St Georges and St Andrews. The group is now quite large and their religious and community settings allows them to easily access a hundred people via meetings, work or entertainment.

The project has addressed challenges like isolation, mental health, child exploitation, enabling them to speak with other women in similar situations. Raising awareness in different communities, it has enabled women of different faiths to build new long term friendships. The strengths of the community are faith, spiritual and community based. There is a wide social network which uses not only social media platforms but meetings, emails and phone calls. Our Hub enabled social gatherings: coffee mornings, Zumba classes and knit and natter. We have also provided IT training. We offered a safe, youth network that gave aspiration, fun and engaging activities that keep young girls off the street to prevent CSE.


We have gained long term friendships within the community, built understanding of people who are struggling and being able to support them. Brought People of all faiths and agnostics together to build community cohesion.

We have supported people within a community that is educated in these areas. We have implemented a rolling programme of events that became tradition and reflected the community’s strength. Summer and winter fundraising events and by continuing accessing funding and gathering new community members ‘The Hub’ has ensured the longevity of the project.

The members of the organisation have overlooked all activities, with their experience of working in the education sector it has aided them to build a rapport with the wider community of different backgrounds. Handling different challenges, that come their way.


Women that engaged were aged 14 to 65 years old and of different ethnic backgrounds and faiths

Funded by Near Neighbours: £2000