Purpose of the project

February 2022

Supporting Sisters recently established a successful link with the Polish Centre in Bury by hiring their facilities to run projects that bring people together for social interaction and community cohesion.

The two organizations were keen to develop this relationship through partnership working therefore wanted to address Hate Crime in the two groups during Greater Manchester wide Hate Crime Awareness week in Feb 2022


Hate Crime against the Polish community had been on the rise since before the pandemic after the tensions of Brexit. This caused some uncertainty for the wider polish community around belonging. We identified that the Polish community suffer from hate crime in the workplace and out in public, mainly due to language barriers and just the way they speak.


Supporting Sisters has delivered several events in the past to address hate crime however for this specific event we hope to raise awareness on:

  1. What is Hate Crime/ Hate incident
  2. Categories of hate
  3. Ways to report Hate
  4. What local support is available
  5. Specific hate against the Polish community
  6. Specific hate against the Muslim community
  7. Misogyny

We also worked in partnership with local Near Neighbours coordinator to ensure the wider Bury community was involved in accessing this event.

Funded by: Bury Council
Participants: 47